UN Core
UN Core
This pledge is the UN Corebox.
This set includes some of the most versatile units and components in the UN faction. You can quickly form a team consisting of up to 4 mechs and 4 drones, and start to experience the various weapon system and high maneuverability of UN factions.
2 x TM31C “Wolf” Main Battle Core
2 x TM31R “Caracal” Main Battle Core
4 x LM231 Standard Chassis
Back Pack:
2 x EBS/X-40 Armor Accumulator
2 x GSD-2A “Pholcus” Mine Rack
3 x CSC-60 Coolant Pack
3 x S9 "Meteor" Shield + M5 Thorn Pile (L)
2 x R7 Automatic Rifle (R)
2 x R33 Sniper Rifle (R)
2 x S100 Shield + Grenade Pod (L)
2 x R6S Assault Rifle (R)
2 x RH21 Pistol + M3 Sword(L)
2 x RH21 Pistol + M3 Sword(R)
1 x S100 Shield + R6SS Laser Cannon (R)
2 x R6-MDXS “Fairy” Assault Rifle (L)
2 x R6-MDXS “Fairy” Assault Rifle (R)
1 x RHX-23 “Rainstorm” Pistol (L)
1 x RHX-23 “Rainstorm” Pistol (R)
2 x ADK-30C “Tarantula” Carrier Chassis
2 x ADK-30F Air Defense System
2 x ADK-60 “Raven” Chassis
2 x ADK-60R Reconnaissance Kit
2 x ADK-60EC Electronic Warfare Kit
2 x ADK-60S Interference Kit
6 x GSD-2A “Pholcus” Mine (Flight Mode)
6 x GSD-2A “Pholcus” Mine (Standby Mode)
3 x M7 Grenade/M9 Flashbang
Tokens: A total of 16 types of 84 Tokens.
12 x Ammo Token.
5 x Charge Token
5 x Intercept Token
5 x Point Token
15 x Stance Token
6 x Drone Number Token
10 x Damage Token
5 x Repair Token
6 x High Light Token
2 x Fire Control Jamming Token
2 x Fragile Token
4 x Immobilized Token
1 x Skill Failure Token
2 x Projectile Token
3 x Mission Point Token
1 x Initiative Marker
Cards: A total of 4 types of 67 Cards.
54 x Parts Card
5 x Drone Card
2 x Ammo Card
6 x Pilot Card
Dials: A total of 2 types of 12 Dials.
6 x Link Dial
6 x Pilot Dial
4 x Card Plate
1 x Instruction
1 x Decal
Note that this is a limited-time product with much content unlocked during crowdfunding, therefore the product content will differ from future releases for long-term sale, for example the crowdfunding exclusive content which is marked KSE will not be available in future official sales.
*When referring to a complete mech* below, this refers to a mech made up using 5 parts, so in this corebox there are a total of 4*5+21 = 41 mech parts.
*Each mech part comes with at least 1 part card, some parts have multiple options, so there will be more parts cards than models.
*All parts are supplied unassembled and unpainted, and require assembly. Assembly and painting tools are not included with the product.
*The magnets required for the models are included in the product and do not need to be purchased separately.